EN - Welcome to the first blog post!

If you are here, like me, you are a curious person who wants to improve ... well! I do not consider myself "fully formed", at all, I am always looking for new information, training, studies, books to gain more knowledge in different fields, but above all to become a good leader! The recipe seems to be complicated, it is not easy, everyone has different ingredients in one's head, with which we must find the perfect balance. Impossible? NEVER. All of us, with timing related to our commitment, experience and knowledge, can become the leader that we dream of and that others dream of following, it's just about will (really). Slowly, I will collect enough information to post to meet your needs, but you can always speed up the schedule by contacting me directly from the site (there is a dedicated section, it's called contacts, the 21st century is lovely isn't it?), I will be glad to be at your service, or if you just want to share your idea with me! See you soon! #blog #manager #management #leadership #leader #studio